Monday, April 13, 2020

A Single Mom and School.

A Single Mom and School. A Single Mom and SchoolI am a twenty-eight year old single parent. I have four children, three boys and agirl, their ages are eleven, eight, five, and one. My life is pretty hectic. I love mychildren more than anything in the world, I would not send them back now if I could.But, sometimes I can't help but thinking how different and easier my life would be if Iwould have waited until I accomplished my goals. Sometimes I sit, looking around at thepeople who are younger than me, and I think that this was supposed to be what I amdoing, or should have done. Since I am twenty-eight I should have been graduated fromcollege. I envy those who were able to go straight to college after high school and get tolive on campus. I was not able to experience, the "college life".Nursing HomeI wanted to go to ClarkState in Atlanta, Ga. but was unable to because I had a child.I had my first son at the age of sixteen; I was a junior in high school. My motherwas furious and my father didn't talk to me for a long time. Everyone was convinced thatI would not graduate from high school, and make anything of myself. But I had otherPlans, for my family. It really disappointed me that they had not faith in me. I wasdetermined to prove all of them wrong. I graduated from high school, I went to atechnical school for Medical Assisting. It was a ten month program. Mainly I chose thatschool because it was convenient to home. I also had a friend that I went to high schoolwith that was attending the school also. Since she had a car and...

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